The Call by the Sea (part 3)

Jesus chose unlearned fishermen because they had not been schooled in the traditions and erroneous customs of their time. They were men of native ability, and they were humble and teachable,—men whom He could educate for His work. In the common walks of life there is many a man patiently treading the round of daily toil, unconscious that he possesses powers which, if called into action, would raise him to an equality with the world’s most honored men. The touch of a skillful hand is needed to arouse those dormant faculties. It was such men that Jesus called to be His colaborers; and He gave them the advantage of association with Himself. Never had the world’s great men such a teacher. When the disciples came forth from the Saviour’s training, they were no longer ignorant and uncultured. They had become like Him in mind and character, and men took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.

It is not the highest work of education to communicate knowledge merely, but to impart that vitalizing energy which is received through the contact of mind with mind, and soul with soul. It is only life that can beget life. What privilege, then, was theirs who for three years were in daily contact with that divine life from which has flowed every life-giving impulse that has blessed the world! Above all his companions, John the beloved disciple yielded himself to the power of that wondrous life. He says, “The life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.” “Of His fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.” 1 John 1:2; John 1:16.

In the apostles of our Lord there was nothing to bring glory to themselves. It was evident that the success of their labors was due only to God. The lives of these men, the characters they developed, and the mighty work that God wrought through them, are a testimony to what He will do for all who are teachable and obedient.

He who loves Christ the most will do the greatest amount of good. There is no limit to the usefulness of one who, by putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God. If men will endure the necessary discipline, without complaining or fainting by the way, God will teach them hour by hour, and day by day. He longs to reveal His grace. If His people will remove the obstructions, He will pour forth the waters of salvation in abundant streams through the human channels. If men in humble life were encouraged to do all the good they could do, if restraining hands were not laid upon them to repress their zeal, there would be a hundred workers for Christ where now there is one.

God takes men as they are, and educates them for His service, if they will yield themselves to Him. The Spirit of God, received into the soul, will quicken all its faculties. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the mind that is devoted unreservedly to God develops harmoniously, and is strengthened to comprehend and fulfill the requirements of God. The weak, vacillating character becomes changed to one of strength and steadfastness. Continual devotion establishes so close a relation between Jesus and His disciple that the Christian becomes like Him in mind and character. Through a connection with Christ he will have clearer and broader views. His discernment will be more penetrative, his judgment better balanced. He who longs to be of service to Christ is so quickened by the life-giving power of the Sun of Righteousness that he is enabled to bear much fruit to the glory of God.

Men of the highest education in the arts and sciences have learned precious lessons from Christians in humble life who were designated by the world as unlearned. But these obscure disciples had obtained an education in the highest of all schools. They had sat at the feet of Him who spoke as “never man spake.”

Calvary (part 8)
Calvary (part 7)
Calvary (part 6)
Calvary (part 5)
Calvary (part 4)
Calvary (part 3)
Calvary (part 2)
Calvary (part 1)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 9)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 8)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 7)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 6)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 5)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 4)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 3)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 2)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 1)
Judas (part 4)
Judas (part 3)
Judas (part 2)
Judas (part 1)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 8)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 7)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 6)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 5)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 4)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 3)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 2)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 1)
Gethsemane (part 5)
Gethsemane (part 4)
Gethsemane (part 3)
Gethsemane (part 2)
Gethsemane (part 1)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 9)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 8)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 7)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 6)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 5)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 4)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 3)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 2)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 1)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 4)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 3)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 2)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 1)
A Servant of Servants (part 5)
A Servant of Servants (part 4)
A Servant of Servants (part 3)
A Servant of Servants (part 2)
A Servant of Servants (part 1)
“The Least of These My Brethren” (part 3)
“The Least of These My Brethren” (part 2)
“The Least of These My Brethren” (part 1)
On the Mount of Olives (part 5)
On the Mount of Olives (part 4)
On the Mount of Olives (part 3)
On the Mount of Olives (part 2)
On the Mount of Olives (part 1)
In the Outer Court (part 3)
In the Outer Court (part 2)
In the Outer Court (part 1)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 6)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 5)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 4)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 3)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 2)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 1)
Controversy (part 4)
Controversy (part 3)
Controversy (part 2)
Controversy (part 1)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 6)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 5)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 4)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 3)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 2)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 1)
A Doomed People (part 3)
A Doomed People (part 2)
A Doomed People (part 1)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 5)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 4)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 3)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 2)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 1)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 6)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 5)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 4)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 3)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 2)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 1)
Zacchaeus (part 2)
Zacchaeus (part 1)
The Law of the New Kingdom (part 2)
The Law of the New Kingdom (part 1)
Priestly Plottings (part 3)
Priestly Plottings (part 2)
Priestly Plottings (part 1)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 6)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 5)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 4)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 3)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 2)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 1)
“One Thing Thou Lackest” (part 2)
“One Thing Thou Lackest” (part 1)
Blessing the Children (part 3)
Blessing the Children (part 2)
Blessing the Children (part 1)
Not With Outward Show (part 2)
Not With Outward Show (part 1)
The Good Samaritan (part 3)
The Good Samaritan (part 2)
The Good Samaritan (part 1)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 5)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 4)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 3)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 2)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 1)
The Divine Shepherd (part 3)
The Divine Shepherd (part 2)
The Divine Shepherd (part 1)
“The Light of Life” (part 6)
“The Light of Life” (part 5)
“The Light of Life” (part 4)
“The Light of Life” (part 3)
“The Light of Life” (part 2)
“The Light of Life” (part 1)
Among Snares (part 4)
Among Snares (part 3)
Among Snares (part 2)
Among Snares (part 1)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 4)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 3)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 2)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 1)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 7)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 6)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 5)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 4)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 3)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 2)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 1)
Ministry (part 2)
Ministry (part 1)
He Was Transfigured (part 2)
He Was Transfigured (part 1)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 5)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 4)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 3)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 2)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 1)
The True Sign (part 3)
The True Sign (part 2)
The True Sign (part 1)
Barriers Broken Down (part 3)
Barriers Broken Down (part 2)
Barriers Broken Down (part 1)
Tradition (part 2)
Tradition (part 1)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 6)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 5)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 4)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 3)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 2)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 1)
A Night on the Lake (part 3)
A Night on the Lake (part 2)
A Night on the Lake (part 1)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 4)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 3)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 2)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 1)
Come Rest Awhile (part 3)
Come Rest Awhile (part 2)
Come Rest Awhile (part 1)
The First Evangelists (part 5)
The First Evangelists (part 4)
The First Evangelists (part 3)
The First Evangelists (part 2)
The First Evangelists (part 1)
The Touch of Faith (part 2)
The Touch of Faith (part 1)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 4)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 3)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 2)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 1)
The Invitation (part 2)
The Invitation (part 1)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 4)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 3)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 2)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 1)
The Centurion (part 3)
The Centurion (part 2)
The Centurion (part 1)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 8)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 7)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 6)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 5)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 4)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 3)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 2)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 1)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 4)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 3)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 2)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 1)
The Sabbath (part 4)
The Sabbath (part 3)
The Sabbath (part 2)
The Sabbath (part 1)
Levi-Matthew (part 5)
Levi-Matthew (part 4)
Levi-Matthew (part 3)
Levi-Matthew (part 2)
Levi-Matthew (part 1)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 5)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 4)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 3)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 2)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 1)
At Capernaum (part 5)
At Capernaum (part 4)
At Capernaum (part 3)
At Capernaum (part 2)
At Capernaum (part 1)
The Call by the Sea (part 3)
The Call by the Sea (part 2)
The Call by the Sea (part 1)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 4)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 3)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 2)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 1)
“The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” (part 2)
“The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” (part 1)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 6)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 5)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 4)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 3)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 2)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 1)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 7)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 6)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 5)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 4)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 3)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 2)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 1)
“Except Ye See Signs and Wonders” (part 2)
“Except Ye See Signs and Wonders” (part 1)
At Jacob's Well (part 7)
At Jacob's Well (part 6)
At Jacob's Well (part 5)
At Jacob's Well (part 4)
At Jacob's Well (part 3)
At Jacob's Well (part 2)
At Jacob's Well (part 1)
“He Must Increase” (part 2)
“He Must Increase” (part 1)
Nicodemus (part 5)
Nicodemus (part 4)
Nicodemus (part 3)
Nicodemus (part 2)
Nicodemus (part 1)
In His Temple (part 5)
In His Temple (part 4)
In His Temple (part 3)
In His Temple (part 2)
In His Temple (part 1)
At the Marriage Feast (part 6)
At the Marriage Feast (part 5)
At the Marriage Feast (part 4)
At the Marriage Feast (part 3)
At the Marriage Feast (part 2)
At the Marriage Feast (part 1)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 5)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 4)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 3)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 2)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 1)
The Victory (part 3)
The Victory (part 2)
The Victory (part 1)
The Temptation (part 5)
The Temptation (part 4)
The Temptation (part 3)
The Temptation (part 2)
The Temptation (part 1)
"The Baptism" (part 2)
"The Baptism" (part 1)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 6)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 5)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 4)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 3)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 2)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 1)
"Days of Conflict" (part 4)
"Days of Conflict" (part 3)
"Days of Conflict" (part 2)
"Days of Conflict" (part 1)
"The Passover Visit" (part 4)
"The Passover Visit" (part 3)
"The Passover Visit" (part 2)
"The Passover Visit" (part 1)
"As a Child" (part 3)
"As a Child" (part 2)
"As a Child" (part 1)
"We Have Seen His Star" (part 3)
"We Have Seen His Star" (part 2)
"We Have Seen His Star" (part 1)
"The Dedication" (part 3)
"The Dedication" (part 2)
"The Dedication" (part 1)
"Unto You a Saviour" (part 2)
"Unto You a Saviour" (part 1)
"The Fullness of the Time" (part 3)
"The Fullness of the Time" (part 2)
"The Fullness of the Time" (part 1)
"The Chosen People" (part 2)
"The Chosen People" (part 1)
"God With Us" (part 4)
"God With Us" (part 3)
"God With Us" (part 2)
"God With Us" (part 1)
“To My Father, and Your Father” (part 3)
“To My Father, and Your Father” (part 2)
“To My Father, and Your Father” (part 1)
Go Teach All Nations (part 8)
Go Teach All Nations (part 7)
Go Teach All Nations (part 6)
Go Teach All Nations (part 5)
Go Teach All Nations (part 4)
Go Teach All Nations (part 3)
Go Teach All Nations (part 2)
Go Teach All Nations (part 1)
By the Sea Once More (part 4)
By the Sea Once More (part 3)
By the Sea Once More (part 2)
By the Sea Once More (part 1)
“Peace Be Unto You” (part 3)
“Peace Be Unto You” (part 2)
“Peace Be Unto You” (part 1)
The Walk to Emmaus (part 3)
The Walk to Emmaus (part 2)
The Walk to Emmaus (part 1)
“Why Weepest Thou?” (part 3)
“Why Weepest Thou?” (part 2)
“Why Weepest Thou?” (part 1)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 4)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 3)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 2)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 1)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 6)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 5)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 4)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 3)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 2)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 1)
“It is Finished” (part 4)
“It is Finished” (part 3)
“It is Finished” (part 2)
“It is Finished” (part 1)

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