The French Reformation (part 12)

Farel was confident that he had found in Calvin one whom he could unite with himself in this work. In the name of God he solemnly adjured the young evangelist to remain and labor here. Calvin drew back in alarm. Timid and peace-loving, he shrank from contact with the bold, independent, and even violent spirit of the Genevese. The feebleness of his health, together with his studious habits, led him to seek retirement. Believing that by his pen he could best serve the cause of reform, he desired to find a quiet retreat for study, and there, through the press, instruct and build up the churches. But Farel’s solemn admonition came to him as a call from Heaven, and he dared not refuse. It seemed to him, he said, “that the hand of God was stretched down from heaven, that it lay hold of him, and fixed him irrevocably to the place he was so impatient to leave.”—D’Aubigne, History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, b. 9, ch. 17.

At this time great perils surrounded the Protestant cause. The anathemas of the pope thundered against Geneva, and mighty nations threatened it with destruction. How was this little city to resist the powerful hierarchy that had so often forced kings and emperors to submission? How could it stand against the armies of the world’s great conquerors?

Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interests, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. (See Appendix.) The gospel of Christ had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endure suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy.

When appearing as members of their order, they wore a garb of sanctity, visiting prisons and hospitals, ministering to the sick and the poor, professing to have renounced the world, and bearing the sacred name of Jesus, who went about doing good. But under this blameless exterior the most criminal and deadly purposes were often concealed. It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end justifies the means. By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they served the interests of the church. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. They became servants to act as spies upon their masters. They established colleges for the sons of princes and nobles, and schools for the common people; and the children of Protestant parents were drawn into an observance of popish rites. All the outward pomp and display of the Romish worship was brought to bear to confuse the mind and dazzle and captivate the imagination, and thus the liberty for which the fathers had toiled and bled was betrayed by the sons. The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe, and wherever they went, there followed a revival of popery. (continues)

Facing Life's Record (part 2)
Facing Life's Record (part 1)
Modern Revivals (part 9)
Modern Revivals (part 8)
Modern Revivals (part 7)
Modern Revivals (part 6)
Modern Revivals (part 5)
Modern Revivals (part 4)
Modern Revivals (part 3)
Modern Revivals (part 2)
Modern Revivals (part 1)
A Work of Reform (part 4)
A Work of Reform (part 3)
A Work of Reform (part 2)
A Work of Reform (part 1)
God's Law Immutable (part 7)
God's Law Immutable (part 6)
God's Law Immutable (part 5)
God's Law Immutable (part 4)
God's Law Immutable (part 3)
God's Law Immutable (part 2)
God's Law Immutable (part 1)
In the Holy of Holies (part 4)
In the Holy of Holies (part 3)
In the Holy of Holies (part 2)
In the Holy of Holies (part 1)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 6)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 5)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 4)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 3)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 2)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 1)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 7)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 6)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 5)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 4)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 3)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 2)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 1)
A Warning Rejected (part 6)
A Warning Rejected (part 5)
A Warning Rejected (part 4)
A Warning Rejected (part 3)
A Warning Rejected (part 2)
A Warning Rejected (part 1)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 8)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 7)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 6)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 5)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 4)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 3)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 2)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 1)
Light Through Darkness (part 5)
Light Through Darkness (part 4)
Light Through Darkness (part 3)
Light Through Darkness (part 2)
Light Through Darkness (part 1)
An American Reformer (part 10)
An American Reformer (part 9)
An American Reformer (part 8)
An American Reformer (part 7)
An American Reformer (part 6)
An American Reformer (part 5)
An American Reformer (part 4)
An American Reformer (part 3)
An American Reformer (part 2)
An American Reformer (part 1)
Heralds of the Morning (part 7)
Heralds of the Morning (part 6)
Heralds of the Morning (part 5)
Heralds of the Morning (part 4)
Heralds of the Morning (part 3)
Heralds of the Morning (part 2)
Heralds of the Morning (part 1)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 4)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 3)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 2)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 1)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 9)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 8)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 7)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 6)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 5)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 4)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 3)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 2)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 1)
Later English Reformers (part 8)
Later English Reformers (part 7)
Later English Reformers (part 6)
Later English Reformers (part 5)
Later English Reformers (part 4)
Later English Reformers (part 3)
Later English Reformers (part 2)
Later English Reformers (part 1)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 3)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 2)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 1)
The French Reformation (part 13)
The French Reformation (part 12)
The French Reformation (part 11)
The French Reformation (part 10)
The French Reformation (part 9)
The French Reformation (part 8)
The French Reformation (part 7)
The French Reformation (part 6)
The French Reformation (part 5)
The French Reformation (part 4)
The French Reformation (part 3)
The French Reformation (part 2)
The French Reformation (part 1)
Protest of the Princes (part 7)
Protest of the Princes (part 6)
Protest of the Princes (part 5)
Protest of the Princes (part 4)
Protest of the Princes (part 3)
Protest of the Princes (part 2)
Protest of the Princes (part 1)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 6)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 5)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 4)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 3)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 2)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 1)
The Swiss Reformer (part 5)
The Swiss Reformer (part 4)
The Swiss Reformer (part 3)
The Swiss Reformer (part 2)
The Swiss Reformer (part 1)
Luther Before the Diet (part 10)
Luther Before the Diet (part 9)
Luther Before the Diet (part 8)
Luther Before the Diet (part 7)
Luther Before the Diet (part 6)
Luther Before the Diet (part 5)
Luther Before the Diet (part 4)
Luther Before the Diet (part 3)
Luther Before the Diet (part 2)
Luther Before the Diet (part 1)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 10)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 9)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 8)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 7)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 6)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 5)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 4)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 3)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 2)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 1)
Huss and Jerome (part 9)
Huss and Jerome (part 8)
Huss and Jerome (part 7)
Huss and Jerome (part 6)
Huss and Jerome (part 5)
Huss and Jerome (part 4)
Huss and Jerome (part 3)
Huss and Jerome (part 2)
Huss and Jerome (part 1)
John Wycliffe (part 7)
John Wycliffe (part 6)
John Wycliffe (part 5)
John Wycliffe (part 4)
John Wycliffe (part 3)
John Wycliffe (part 2)
John Wycliffe (part 1)
The Waldenses (part 7)
The Waldenses (part 6)
The Waldenses (part 5)
The Waldenses (part 4)
The Waldenses (part 3)
The Waldenses (part 2)
The Waldenses (part 1)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 5)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 4)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 3)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 2)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 1)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 4)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 3)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 2)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 1)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 8)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 7)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 6)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 5)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 4)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 3)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 2)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 1)
Introduction (part 3)
Introduction (part 2)
Introduction (part 1)
The Controversy Ended (part 7)
The Controversy Ended (part 6)
The Controversy Ended (part 5)
The Controversy Ended (part 4)
The Controversy Ended (part 3)
The Controversy Ended (part 2)
The Controversy Ended (part 1)
Desolation of the Earth (part 4)
Desolation of the Earth (part 3)
Desolation of the Earth (part 2)
Desolation of the Earth (part 1)
God's People Delivered (part 7)
God's People Delivered (part 6)
God's People Delivered (part 5)
God's People Delivered (part 4)
God's People Delivered (part 3)
God's People Delivered (part 2)
God's People Delivered (part 1)
The Time of Trouble (part 9)

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