Luther Before the Diet (part 4)

The people listened as if spellbound. The bread of life was broken to those starving souls. Christ was lifted up before them as above popes, legates, emperors, and kings. Luther made no reference to his own perilous position. He did not seek to make himself the object of thought or sympathy. In the contemplation of Christ he had lost sight of self. He hid behind the Man of Calvary, seeking only to present Jesus as the sinner’s Redeemer.

As the Reformer proceeded on his journey, he was everywhere regarded with great interest. An eager multitude thronged about him, and friendly voices warned him of the purpose of the Romanists. “They will burn you,” said some, “and reduce your body to ashes, as they did with John Huss.” Luther answered, “Though they should kindle a fire all the way from Worms to Wittenberg, the flames of which reached to heaven, I would walk through it in the name of the Lord; I would appear before them; I would enter the jaws of this behemoth, and break his teeth, confessing the Lord Jesus Christ.”—Ibid., b. 7, ch. 7.

The news of his approach to Worms created great commotion. His friends trembled for his safety; his enemies feared for the success of their cause. Strenuous efforts were made to dissuade him from entering the city. At the instigation of the papists he was urged to repair to the castle of a friendly knight, where, it was declared, all difficulties could be amicably adjusted. Friends endeavored to excite his fears by describing the dangers that threatened him. All their efforts failed. Luther, still unshaken, declared: “Even should there be as many devils in Worms as tiles on the housetops, still I would enter it.”—Ibid., b. 7, ch. 7.

Upon his arrival at Worms, a vast crowd flocked to the gates to welcome him. So great a concourse had not assembled to greet the emperor himself. The excitement was intense, and from the midst of the throng a shrill and plaintive voice chanted a funeral dirge as a warning to Luther of the fate that awaited him. “God will be my defense,” said he, as he alighted from his carriage.

The papists had not believed that Luther would really venture to appear at Worms, and his arrival filled them with consternation. The emperor immediately summoned his councilors to consider what course should be pursued. One of the bishops, a rigid papist, declared: “We have long consulted on this matter. Let your imperial majesty get rid of this man at once. Did not Sigismund cause John Huss to be burnt? We are not bound either to give or to observe the safe-conduct of a heretic.” “No,” said the emperor, “we must keep our promise.”—Ibid., b. 7, ch. 8. It was therefore decided that the Reformer should be heard.

All the city were eager to see this remarkable man, and a throng of visitors soon filled his lodgings. Luther had scarcely recovered from his recent illness; he was wearied from the journey, which had occupied two full weeks; he must prepare to meet the momentous events of the morrow, and he needed quiet and repose. But so great was the desire to see him that he had enjoyed only a few hours’ rest when noblemen, knights, priests, and citizens gathered eagerly about him. Among these were many of the nobles who had so boldly demanded of the emperor a reform of ecclesiastical abuses and who, says Luther, “had all been freed by my gospel.”—Martyn, page 393. Enemies, as well as friends, came to look upon the dauntless monk; but he received them with unshaken calmness, replying to all with dignity and wisdom. His bearing was firm and courageous. His pale, thin face, marked with the traces of toil and illness, wore a kindly and even joyous expression. The solemnity and deep earnestness of his words gave him a power that even his enemies could not wholly withstand. Both friends and foes were filled with wonder. Some were convinced that a divine influence attended him; others declared, as had the Pharisees concerning Christ: “He hath a devil.”

On the following day Luther was summoned to attend the Diet. An imperial officer was appointed to conduct him to the hall of audience; yet it was with difficulty that he reached the place. Every avenue was crowded with spectators eager to look upon the monk who had dared resist the authority of the pope.

As he was about to enter the presence of his judges, an old general, the hero of many battles, said to him kindly: “Poor monk, poor monk, thou art now going to make a nobler stand than I or any other captains have ever made in the bloodiest of our battles. But if thy cause is just, and thou art sure of it, go forward in God’s name, and fear nothing. God will not forsake thee.”—D’Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.

At length Luther stood before the council. The emperor occupied the throne. He was surrounded by the most illustrious personages in the empire. Never had any man appeared in the presence of a more imposing assembly than that before which Martin Luther was to answer for his faith. “This appearance was of itself a signal victory over the papacy. The pope had condemned the man, and he was now standing before a tribunal which, by this very act, set itself above the pope. The pope had laid him under an interdict, and cut him off from all human society; and yet he was summoned in respectful language, and received before the most august assembly in the world. The pope had condemned him to perpetual silence, and he was now about to speak before thousands of attentive hearers drawn together from the farthest parts of Christendom. An immense revolution had thus been effected by Luther’s instrumentality. Rome was already descending from her throne, and it was the voice of a monk that caused this humiliation.”—Ibid., b. 7, ch. 8. (continues)

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Modern Revivals (part 9)
Modern Revivals (part 8)
Modern Revivals (part 7)
Modern Revivals (part 6)
Modern Revivals (part 5)
Modern Revivals (part 4)
Modern Revivals (part 3)
Modern Revivals (part 2)
Modern Revivals (part 1)
A Work of Reform (part 4)
A Work of Reform (part 3)
A Work of Reform (part 2)
A Work of Reform (part 1)
God's Law Immutable (part 7)
God's Law Immutable (part 6)
God's Law Immutable (part 5)
God's Law Immutable (part 4)
God's Law Immutable (part 3)
God's Law Immutable (part 2)
God's Law Immutable (part 1)
In the Holy of Holies (part 4)
In the Holy of Holies (part 3)
In the Holy of Holies (part 2)
In the Holy of Holies (part 1)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 6)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 5)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 4)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 3)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 2)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 1)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 7)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 6)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 5)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 4)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 3)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 2)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 1)
A Warning Rejected (part 6)
A Warning Rejected (part 5)
A Warning Rejected (part 4)
A Warning Rejected (part 3)
A Warning Rejected (part 2)
A Warning Rejected (part 1)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 8)
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Light Through Darkness (part 5)
Light Through Darkness (part 4)
Light Through Darkness (part 3)
Light Through Darkness (part 2)
Light Through Darkness (part 1)
An American Reformer (part 10)
An American Reformer (part 9)
An American Reformer (part 8)
An American Reformer (part 7)
An American Reformer (part 6)
An American Reformer (part 5)
An American Reformer (part 4)
An American Reformer (part 3)
An American Reformer (part 2)
An American Reformer (part 1)
Heralds of the Morning (part 7)
Heralds of the Morning (part 6)
Heralds of the Morning (part 5)
Heralds of the Morning (part 4)
Heralds of the Morning (part 3)
Heralds of the Morning (part 2)
Heralds of the Morning (part 1)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 4)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 3)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 2)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 1)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 9)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 8)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 7)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 6)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 5)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 4)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 3)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 2)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 1)
Later English Reformers (part 8)
Later English Reformers (part 7)
Later English Reformers (part 6)
Later English Reformers (part 5)
Later English Reformers (part 4)
Later English Reformers (part 3)
Later English Reformers (part 2)
Later English Reformers (part 1)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 3)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 2)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 1)
The French Reformation (part 13)
The French Reformation (part 12)
The French Reformation (part 11)
The French Reformation (part 10)
The French Reformation (part 9)
The French Reformation (part 8)
The French Reformation (part 7)
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The French Reformation (part 5)
The French Reformation (part 4)
The French Reformation (part 3)
The French Reformation (part 2)
The French Reformation (part 1)
Protest of the Princes (part 7)
Protest of the Princes (part 6)
Protest of the Princes (part 5)
Protest of the Princes (part 4)
Protest of the Princes (part 3)
Protest of the Princes (part 2)
Protest of the Princes (part 1)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 6)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 5)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 4)
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Progress of Reform in Germany (part 2)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 1)
The Swiss Reformer (part 5)
The Swiss Reformer (part 4)
The Swiss Reformer (part 3)
The Swiss Reformer (part 2)
The Swiss Reformer (part 1)
Luther Before the Diet (part 10)
Luther Before the Diet (part 9)
Luther Before the Diet (part 8)
Luther Before the Diet (part 7)
Luther Before the Diet (part 6)
Luther Before the Diet (part 5)
Luther Before the Diet (part 4)
Luther Before the Diet (part 3)
Luther Before the Diet (part 2)
Luther Before the Diet (part 1)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 10)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 9)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 8)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 7)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 6)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 5)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 4)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 3)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 2)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 1)
Huss and Jerome (part 9)
Huss and Jerome (part 8)
Huss and Jerome (part 7)
Huss and Jerome (part 6)
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Huss and Jerome (part 4)
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Huss and Jerome (part 2)
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John Wycliffe (part 7)
John Wycliffe (part 6)
John Wycliffe (part 5)
John Wycliffe (part 4)
John Wycliffe (part 3)
John Wycliffe (part 2)
John Wycliffe (part 1)
The Waldenses (part 7)
The Waldenses (part 6)
The Waldenses (part 5)
The Waldenses (part 4)
The Waldenses (part 3)
The Waldenses (part 2)
The Waldenses (part 1)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 5)
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An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 2)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 1)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 4)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 3)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 2)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 1)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 8)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 7)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 6)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 5)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 4)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 3)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 2)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 1)
Introduction (part 3)
Introduction (part 2)
Introduction (part 1)
The Controversy Ended (part 7)
The Controversy Ended (part 6)
The Controversy Ended (part 5)
The Controversy Ended (part 4)
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The Controversy Ended (part 1)
Desolation of the Earth (part 4)
Desolation of the Earth (part 3)
Desolation of the Earth (part 2)
Desolation of the Earth (part 1)
God's People Delivered (part 7)
God's People Delivered (part 6)
God's People Delivered (part 5)
God's People Delivered (part 4)
God's People Delivered (part 3)
God's People Delivered (part 2)
God's People Delivered (part 1)
The Time of Trouble (part 9)

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