Calvary (part 1)

This chapter is based on Matthew 27:31-53; Mark 14:20-38; Luke 23:26-46; John 19:16-30.

“And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him.”

“That He might sanctify the people with His own blood,” Christ “suffered without the gate.” Hebrews 13:12. For transgression of the law of God, Adam and Eve were banished from Eden. Christ, our substitute, was to suffer without the boundaries of Jerusalem. He died outside the gate, where felons and murderers were executed. Full of significance are the words, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us.” Galatians 3:13.

A vast multitude followed Jesus from the judgment hall to Calvary. The news of His condemnation had spread throughout Jerusalem, and people of all classes and all ranks flocked toward the place of crucifixion. The priests and rulers had been bound by a promise not to molest Christ’s followers if He Himself were delivered to them, and the disciples and believers from the city and the surrounding region joined the throng that followed the Saviour.

As Jesus passed the gate of Pilate’s court, the cross which had been prepared for Barabbas was laid upon His bruised and bleeding shoulders. Two companions of Barabbas were to suffer death at the same time with Jesus, and upon them also crosses were placed. The Saviour’s burden was too heavy for Him in His weak and suffering condition. Since the Passover supper with His disciples, He had taken neither food nor drink. He had agonized in the garden of Gethsemane in conflict with satanic agencies. He had endured the anguish of the betrayal, and had seen His disciples forsake Him and flee. He had been taken to Annas, then to Caiaphas, and then to Pilate. From Pilate He had been sent to Herod, then sent again to Pilate. From insult to renewed insult, from mockery to mockery, twice tortured by the scourge,—all that night there had been scene after scene of a character to try the soul of man to the uttermost. Christ had not failed. He had spoken no word but that tended to glorify God. All through the disgraceful farce of a trial He had borne Himself with firmness and dignity. But when after the second scourging the cross was laid upon Him, human nature could bear no more. He fell fainting beneath the burden.

The crowd that followed the Saviour saw His weak and staggering steps, but they manifested no compassion. They taunted and reviled Him because He could not carry the heavy cross. Again the burden was laid upon Him, and again He fell fainting to the ground. His persecutors saw that it was impossible for Him to carry His burden farther. They were puzzled to find anyone who would bear the humiliating load. The Jews themselves could not do this, because the defilement would prevent them from keeping the Passover. None even of the mob that followed Him would stoop to bear the cross.

At this time a stranger, Simon a Cyrenian, coming in from the country, meets the throng. He hears the taunts and ribaldry of the crowd; he hears the words contemptuously repeated, Make way for the King of the Jews! He stops in astonishment at the scene; and as he expresses his compassion, they seize him and place the cross upon his shoulders.

Simon had heard of Jesus. His sons were believers in the Saviour, but he himself was not a disciple. The bearing of the cross to Calvary was a blessing to Simon, and he was ever after grateful for this providence. It led him to take upon himself the cross of Christ from choice, and ever cheerfully stand beneath its burden.

Not a few women are in the crowd that follow the Uncondemned to His cruel death. Their attention is fixed upon Jesus. Some of them have seen Him before. Some have carried to Him their sick and suffering ones. Some have themselves been healed. The story of the scenes that have taken place is related. They wonder at the hatred of the crowd toward Him for whom their own hearts are melting and ready to break. And notwithstanding the action of the maddened throng, and the angry words of the priests and rulers, these women give expression to their sympathy. As Jesus falls fainting beneath the cross, they break forth into mournful wailing. (continues)

Calvary (part 8)
Calvary (part 7)
Calvary (part 6)
Calvary (part 5)
Calvary (part 4)
Calvary (part 3)
Calvary (part 2)
Calvary (part 1)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 9)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 8)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 7)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 6)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 5)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 4)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 3)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 2)
In Pilate's Judgment Hall (part 1)
Judas (part 4)
Judas (part 3)
Judas (part 2)
Judas (part 1)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 8)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 7)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 6)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 5)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 4)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 3)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 2)
Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas (part 1)
Gethsemane (part 5)
Gethsemane (part 4)
Gethsemane (part 3)
Gethsemane (part 2)
Gethsemane (part 1)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 9)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 8)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 7)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 6)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 5)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 4)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 3)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 2)
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (part 1)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 4)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 3)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 2)
“In Remembrance of Me” (part 1)
A Servant of Servants (part 5)
A Servant of Servants (part 4)
A Servant of Servants (part 3)
A Servant of Servants (part 2)
A Servant of Servants (part 1)
“The Least of These My Brethren” (part 3)
“The Least of These My Brethren” (part 2)
“The Least of These My Brethren” (part 1)
On the Mount of Olives (part 5)
On the Mount of Olives (part 4)
On the Mount of Olives (part 3)
On the Mount of Olives (part 2)
On the Mount of Olives (part 1)
In the Outer Court (part 3)
In the Outer Court (part 2)
In the Outer Court (part 1)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 6)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 5)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 4)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 3)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 2)
Woes on the Pharisees (part 1)
Controversy (part 4)
Controversy (part 3)
Controversy (part 2)
Controversy (part 1)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 6)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 5)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 4)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 3)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 2)
The Temple Cleansed Again (part 1)
A Doomed People (part 3)
A Doomed People (part 2)
A Doomed People (part 1)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 5)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 4)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 3)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 2)
“Thy King Cometh” (part 1)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 6)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 5)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 4)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 3)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 2)
The Feast at Simon's House (part 1)
Zacchaeus (part 2)
Zacchaeus (part 1)
The Law of the New Kingdom (part 2)
The Law of the New Kingdom (part 1)
Priestly Plottings (part 3)
Priestly Plottings (part 2)
Priestly Plottings (part 1)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 6)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 5)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 4)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 3)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 2)
“Lazarus, Come Forth” (part 1)
“One Thing Thou Lackest” (part 2)
“One Thing Thou Lackest” (part 1)
Blessing the Children (part 3)
Blessing the Children (part 2)
Blessing the Children (part 1)
Not With Outward Show (part 2)
Not With Outward Show (part 1)
The Good Samaritan (part 3)
The Good Samaritan (part 2)
The Good Samaritan (part 1)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 5)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 4)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 3)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 2)
The Last Journey From Galilee (part 1)
The Divine Shepherd (part 3)
The Divine Shepherd (part 2)
The Divine Shepherd (part 1)
“The Light of Life” (part 6)
“The Light of Life” (part 5)
“The Light of Life” (part 4)
“The Light of Life” (part 3)
“The Light of Life” (part 2)
“The Light of Life” (part 1)
Among Snares (part 4)
Among Snares (part 3)
Among Snares (part 2)
Among Snares (part 1)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 4)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 3)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 2)
At the Feast of Tabernacles (part 1)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 7)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 6)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 5)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 4)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 3)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 2)
Who Is the Greatest? (part 1)
Ministry (part 2)
Ministry (part 1)
He Was Transfigured (part 2)
He Was Transfigured (part 1)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 5)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 4)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 3)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 2)
The Foreshadowing of the Cross (part 1)
The True Sign (part 3)
The True Sign (part 2)
The True Sign (part 1)
Barriers Broken Down (part 3)
Barriers Broken Down (part 2)
Barriers Broken Down (part 1)
Tradition (part 2)
Tradition (part 1)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 6)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 5)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 4)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 3)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 2)
The Crisis in Galilee (part 1)
A Night on the Lake (part 3)
A Night on the Lake (part 2)
A Night on the Lake (part 1)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 4)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 3)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 2)
“Give Ye Them to Eat” (part 1)
Come Rest Awhile (part 3)
Come Rest Awhile (part 2)
Come Rest Awhile (part 1)
The First Evangelists (part 5)
The First Evangelists (part 4)
The First Evangelists (part 3)
The First Evangelists (part 2)
The First Evangelists (part 1)
The Touch of Faith (part 2)
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“Peace, Be Still” (part 4)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 3)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 2)
“Peace, Be Still” (part 1)
The Invitation (part 2)
The Invitation (part 1)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 4)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 3)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 2)
Who Are My Brethren? (part 1)
The Centurion (part 3)
The Centurion (part 2)
The Centurion (part 1)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 8)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 7)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 6)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 5)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 4)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 3)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 2)
The Sermon on the Mount (part 1)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 4)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 3)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 2)
“He Ordained Twelve” (part 1)
The Sabbath (part 4)
The Sabbath (part 3)
The Sabbath (part 2)
The Sabbath (part 1)
Levi-Matthew (part 5)
Levi-Matthew (part 4)
Levi-Matthew (part 3)
Levi-Matthew (part 2)
Levi-Matthew (part 1)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 5)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 4)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 3)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 2)
“Thou Canst Make Me Clean” (part 1)
At Capernaum (part 5)
At Capernaum (part 4)
At Capernaum (part 3)
At Capernaum (part 2)
At Capernaum (part 1)
The Call by the Sea (part 3)
The Call by the Sea (part 2)
The Call by the Sea (part 1)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 4)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 3)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 2)
“Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?” (part 1)
“The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” (part 2)
“The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” (part 1)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 6)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 5)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 4)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 3)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 2)
Imprisonment and Death of John (part 1)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 7)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 6)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 5)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 4)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 3)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 2)
Bethesda and the Sanhedrin (part 1)
“Except Ye See Signs and Wonders” (part 2)
“Except Ye See Signs and Wonders” (part 1)
At Jacob's Well (part 7)
At Jacob's Well (part 6)
At Jacob's Well (part 5)
At Jacob's Well (part 4)
At Jacob's Well (part 3)
At Jacob's Well (part 2)
At Jacob's Well (part 1)
“He Must Increase” (part 2)
“He Must Increase” (part 1)
Nicodemus (part 5)
Nicodemus (part 4)
Nicodemus (part 3)
Nicodemus (part 2)
Nicodemus (part 1)
In His Temple (part 5)
In His Temple (part 4)
In His Temple (part 3)
In His Temple (part 2)
In His Temple (part 1)
At the Marriage Feast (part 6)
At the Marriage Feast (part 5)
At the Marriage Feast (part 4)
At the Marriage Feast (part 3)
At the Marriage Feast (part 2)
At the Marriage Feast (part 1)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 5)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 4)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 3)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 2)
“We Have Found the Messias” (part 1)
The Victory (part 3)
The Victory (part 2)
The Victory (part 1)
The Temptation (part 5)
The Temptation (part 4)
The Temptation (part 3)
The Temptation (part 2)
The Temptation (part 1)
"The Baptism" (part 2)
"The Baptism" (part 1)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 6)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 5)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 4)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 3)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 2)
"The Voice in the Wilderness" (part 1)
"Days of Conflict" (part 4)
"Days of Conflict" (part 3)
"Days of Conflict" (part 2)
"Days of Conflict" (part 1)
"The Passover Visit" (part 4)
"The Passover Visit" (part 3)
"The Passover Visit" (part 2)
"The Passover Visit" (part 1)
"As a Child" (part 3)
"As a Child" (part 2)
"As a Child" (part 1)
"We Have Seen His Star" (part 3)
"We Have Seen His Star" (part 2)
"We Have Seen His Star" (part 1)
"The Dedication" (part 3)
"The Dedication" (part 2)
"The Dedication" (part 1)
"Unto You a Saviour" (part 2)
"Unto You a Saviour" (part 1)
"The Fullness of the Time" (part 3)
"The Fullness of the Time" (part 2)
"The Fullness of the Time" (part 1)
"The Chosen People" (part 2)
"The Chosen People" (part 1)
"God With Us" (part 4)
"God With Us" (part 3)
"God With Us" (part 2)
"God With Us" (part 1)
“To My Father, and Your Father” (part 3)
“To My Father, and Your Father” (part 2)
“To My Father, and Your Father” (part 1)
Go Teach All Nations (part 8)
Go Teach All Nations (part 7)
Go Teach All Nations (part 6)
Go Teach All Nations (part 5)
Go Teach All Nations (part 4)
Go Teach All Nations (part 3)
Go Teach All Nations (part 2)
Go Teach All Nations (part 1)
By the Sea Once More (part 4)
By the Sea Once More (part 3)
By the Sea Once More (part 2)
By the Sea Once More (part 1)
“Peace Be Unto You” (part 3)
“Peace Be Unto You” (part 2)
“Peace Be Unto You” (part 1)
The Walk to Emmaus (part 3)
The Walk to Emmaus (part 2)
The Walk to Emmaus (part 1)
“Why Weepest Thou?” (part 3)
“Why Weepest Thou?” (part 2)
“Why Weepest Thou?” (part 1)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 4)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 3)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 2)
“The Lord Is Risen” (part 1)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 6)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 5)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 4)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 3)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 2)
In Joseph's Tomb (part 1)
“It is Finished” (part 4)
“It is Finished” (part 3)
“It is Finished” (part 2)
“It is Finished” (part 1)

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