“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
Our youngest should experience God in their lives at their earliest stages. It is then when all the most robust foundations are laid and when God can mark out His ways in their minds to follow His will in everything they do. It will enrich their existence, giving them joy, teaching them about the righteousness that comes from the Lord, which they can have as His faithful students and disciples in this world. Jesus never underestimated the influence of a child, which is instructed by the Word of God in all its choices. Here biblical materials are provided, adapted to the fragile but very susceptible minds of our youngest, which will enable them to grow in Christ and the knowledge of the Lord.
Following are the lessons from the program Fun-da-MENTALS from “Children’s ministries” from NAD –