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Group Bible Study (Sabbath School), 10:00am

In our adult Sabbath School classes, we study the Bible together. We offer a traditional class, which includes a quarterly lesson that is followed by the worldwide church, as well as a smaller group which focuses on the Spirit of Prophecy. Both classes offer a place to share praises and prayer requests along with our experiences from the week. We welcome you to join either group.

Children, Teens and Youth Sabbath School, 10:00am

We have kid’s classes for all ages where they learn Bible stories and Biblical principles along with age-appropriate games and crafts.

Main Church Service, 11:00am

Our main church service is for all adults and kids alike. It includes a contemporary music service, a children’s story, prayer, a Scripture reading and a Bible-based sermon. The service concludes around 12:15pm. On the 3rd Sabbath of the month, stay for a delicious plant-based lunch provided in the fellowship area.

Our upcoming events

Devotional of the day

God in Nature, OCTOBER 17

[Oct. 11 – Oct. 17 : God in My Life]

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalm 19:1

God has surrounded us with nature’s beautiful scenery to attract and interest the mind. It is His design that we should associate the glories of nature with His character. If we faithfully study the book of nature, we shall find it a fruitful source for contemplating the infinite love and power of God….

The great Master Artist has painted upon heaven’s shifti...

Verse of the day

7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

Quote of the day

“The righteousness by which we are justified is imputed; the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven.”

(Ellen White, The Review and Herald, June 4, 1895)

Verse of the day

7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

Quote of the day

“The righteousness by which we are justified is imputed; the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven.”

(Ellen White, The Review and Herald, June 4, 1895)

Lesson On Faith of the day

Creation or Evolution, Which? (part 3)

August 14

How shall I be clean? By the creative energy of that word, “Be ye clean.” Therefore it is written, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” John 15:3. Are you? Will you from this moment be a creationist? Or will you go on being an evolutionist?

See what a blessed thing this is. When you read the word, receive the word, and think upon the word, what is it to you all the time? O, it is creation! The creative energy is in you producing the things which the word speaks, and you are living in the very presence of the power of creation. Creation is going on in your life. God is creating in you righteousness, holiness, truth, faithfulness—every good and gracious thing.

Video of the day

Song of the day

click here for the lyrics

“The Desire Of Ages” of the day

Woes on the Pharisees (part 5)

October 17

…The same idolatry is carried to great lengths today. Many are guilty of neglecting the widow and the fatherless, the sick and the poor, in order to build expensive monuments for the dead. Time, money, and labor are freely spent for this purpose, while duties to the living—duties which Christ has plainly enjoined—are left undone…

“The Great Controversy” of the day

The French Reformation (part 7)

October 17

…The French Reformers, eager to see their country keeping pace with Germany and Switzerland, determined to strike a bold blow against the superstitions of Rome, that should arouse the whole nation. Accordingly placards attacking the mass were in one night posted all over France. Instead of advancing the reform, this zealous but ill-judged movement brought ruin, not only upon its propagators, but upon the friends of the reformed faith throughout France…

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